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66 news items

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  1. National Rapporteur: measures to protect minors against paid sex must also be targeted at clients

    Having sex for payment with a child aged sixteen or seventeen is a criminal offence in the Netherlands. The maximum sentence for ...

    News item | 18-11-2016 | 10:15

  2. Vulnerability up close. An exploratory study into the vulnerability of children to human trafficking

    The National Rapporteur is concerned about the position of Roma children, Syrian child brides and children living illegally in ...

    News item | 12-10-2016 | 17:43

  3. Damages for possession of child pornography: legal possibilities and practical obstacles

    July’s Chronicle, the journal of the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates (IAYFJM), featured an ...

    News item | 02-08-2016 | 11:16

  4. Words matter: a more effective protection of children from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse by improving terminology

    A global Interagency Working Group released the ‘Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation ...

    News item | 14-06-2016 | 17:21

  5. Global Study finds sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism is increasing and occurring in every part of the world

    A two-year Global Study initiated by ECPAT International and financed by the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs published today ...

    News item | 12-05-2016 | 11:14

  6. New report: National Rapporteur concerned about Syrian child brides and Roma children

    The Dutch National Rapporteur is concerned about the vulnerability of Roma children, Syrian child brides and children illegally ...

    News item | 14-04-2016 | 11:31

  7. Dutch Rapporteur: ‘The archetypal child molester does not exist’

    In her report ‘Child sexual abuse on trial’, the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against ...

    News item | 18-03-2016 | 17:27

  8. National Rapporteur gives the opening speech of the panel of Missing Children in New York

    Missing children and human trafficking, two problems that have a greater interdependency than is commonly thought. Missing ...

    News item | 18-03-2016 | 14:39

  9. National Rapporteur delivers a speech at the Chairpersons' meeting on human trafficking in the digital age

    In the context of the Dutch EU Presidency parliamentarians from various European states came to The Hague to discuss modern forms ...

    News item | 15-03-2016 | 18:18

  10. Dutch Rapporteur visits Washington

    Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children Corinne Dettmeijer will visit ...

    News item | 24-02-2016 | 16:47