On this page you'll find the English summaries of the reports that the National Rapporteur publishes on the nature and scale of human trafficking and sexual violence against children in the Netherlands. The full reports and other publications can be accessed on the Dutch website (in Dutch).
82 publications
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Ninth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur
The Ninth Report on Trafficking in Human Beings shows that the Dutch fight against trafficking in human beings is going ...
Dutch Rapporteur. Forced labour, back on the agenda. 2014.
Supplementing the ILO Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (C029) is an important step towards the eradication of ...
Speech on the occasion of the OSCE Conference on the occasion of the Austrian Chairmanship: “Not for Sale – Joining Forces Against Trafficking in Human Beings”
The Dutch National Rapporteur gave a speech on the occasion of the OSCE Conference on the occasion of the Austrian Chairmanship: ...
Dutch Rapporteur. Barriers against Child Sex Tourism (2013)
Children have the right to protection against sexual violence. The Dutch Government must therefore endeavour to prevent Dutch ...
Northeastern School of Law Lecture
Georgetown Lecture
Paroline v. United States (judgment Fifth Circuit)
Paroline v. United States (amicus curiae brief of the Rapporteur)
Case law analysis - Interactive
Case law analysis - Print