
On this page you'll find the English summaries of the reports that the National Rapporteur publishes on the nature and scale of human trafficking and sexual violence against children in the Netherlands. The full reports and other publications can be accessed on the Dutch website (in Dutch).

82 publications

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  1. Trafficking in Human Beings. Visible and Invisible. A quantitative report 2007-2011

    Last April, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Malström warned that the conviction rates in EU countries are generally decreasing. In ...

    Report | 13-06-2013

  2. Case Law on Trafficking in Human Beings 2009-2012. An analysis

    Study of the Dutch Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children of recent case law in the ...

    Report | 26-04-2013

  3. Speech on the occasion of the Rantsev Conference in Amsterdam

    The National Rapporteur spoke at the Conference 'Putting Rantsev into Practice. Ms Dettmeijer's speech focussed on reliable data, ...

    Speech | 18-04-2013

  4. Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal of organs and forced commercial surrogacy (2012)

    Study of the Dutch National Rapporteur on human trafficking for the purpose of the removal of organs and forced commercial ...

    Report | 04-12-2012

  5. Speech press conference "Improvement of National Anti-Traffic Policy through Transfer of Know-How, Experience and Good Practices''

    The Dutch National Rapporteur spoke during the press conference on the project ''Improvement of National Anti-Traffic Policy ...

    Speech | 13-08-2012

  6. First Report on Child Pornography

    Download of the First Report on Child Pornography.

    Report | 06-06-2012

  7. Speech on the occasion of Her Majesty the Queen's visit to Journey

    Journey’ is a travelling art exhibition by the Helen Bamber Foundation. The exhibition is based on the experience of one of their ...

    Speech | 16-10-2010

  8. Introduction Speech of the Conference on Monitoring Mechanisms in the Fight against Human Trafficking

    On the 14th and 15th of October, the conference on Monitoring Mechanisms in the Fight against Human Trafficking was held in The ...

    Speech | 15-10-2010

  9. Eighth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur

    Download of the eighth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings.

    Report | 15-10-2010

  10. Presentation of the 8th Report at the Conference on Monitoring Mechanisms in the Fight against Human Trafficking

    On the 14th and 15th of October, the conference on Monitoring Mechanisms in the Fight against Human Trafficking was held in The ...

    Speech | 15-10-2010