
On this page you'll find the English summaries of the reports that the National Rapporteur publishes on the nature and scale of human trafficking and sexual violence against children in the Netherlands. The full reports and other publications can be accessed on the Dutch website (in Dutch).

82 publications

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  1. Speech on the occasion on the opening of Journey

    Journey’ is a travelling art exhibition by the Helen Bamber Foundation. The exhibition is based on the experience of one of their ...

    Speech | 14-10-2010

  2. Seventh report of the Dutch National Rapporteur

    Download of seventh report of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings.

    Report | 02-06-2010

  3. Human Trafficking, turning our attention to labour exploitation

    Report | 24-11-2009

  4. Conference on trafficking labour exploitation

    Leaflet | 18-12-2008

  5. Sixth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur

    Download of the sixth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings.

    Report | 01-10-2008

  6. Fifth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur

    Download of the fifth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings.

    Report | 18-09-2007

  7. Trafficking for exploitation outside the sex industry

    This chapter focuses on exploitation in labour situations outside the sex industry ('other forms of exploitation'), particularly ...

    Report | 18-09-2007

  8. Second report of the Dutch National Rapporteur

    Download of the English translation of a somewhat shortened and revised version of the second report of the Dutch National ...

    Report | 18-09-2007

  9. Trafficking in Human Beings: The concept of exploitation in the Dutch trafficking provision

    This is a translation (of 8 January 2007) of 'Mensenhandel: het begrip uitbuiting in art. 273a Sr.', published in a magazine for ...

    Report | 18-09-2007

  10. First report of the Dutch National Rapporteur

    Download of the first report of the (Dutch) National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings. The report, which intends to ...

    Report | 18-09-2007