Human trafficking involves the exploitation of another person. This is done using one or more forms of coercion, such as violence, blackmail or abuse of the victim's vulnerability or dependence. The National Rapporteur investigates the nature and scale of human trafficking in the Netherlands and issues recommendations on how to improve the comprehensive approach to combat human trafficking.
Comprehensive approach to combat human trafficking
Human trafficking occurs in many different sections of society and often goes undetected. Victims find it difficult to talk about what has happened to them, and they are often threatened, blackmailed or ashamed of what happened. Family members, care providers or other people in their social circle often have insufficient knowledge of the situation.
In order to provide effective help to victims, prevent new victims and prosecute offenders, it is vital to gain insight into the characteristics of human trafficking and how often these crimes are committed. These insights can then be used to establish an effective strategy and measures to deal with both victims and offenders and subsequently measure whether the strategy is truly working. It is therefore vital that all parties capable of making a contribution – such as the Public Prosecution Service, the police, municipalities, emergency assistance providers, the Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate (ISZW), NGOs, schools, doctors and business sector – are closely involved in formulating the comprehensive approach to combat human trafficking.

Investigating the nature and scale of human trafficking
The National Rapporteur continually investigates the characteristics of human trafficking and how often such crimes are committed, as well as the effectiveness of the strategy. The National Rapporteur publishes the results of its investigations in the Victims monitoring report and the Offenders monitor report, which can be found in the publications section.
Legislation and regulations
National and international laws and treaties (in Dutch) compel the Netherlands to implement measures against human trafficking, one of which is the appointment of a National Rapporteur.